Thursday, March 27, 2014

Afflicted: A spoiler free review.

I was lucky enough tonight to be able to watch a free screener of a new independent horror film: Afflicted.  When I first read what this movie was about, to be honest, I wasn't really interested.  The story is about two friends who set out on the tour of a lifetime, around the world in 365 days, documenting the entire process on film for their blog.  At the early stages of their trip something mysterious happens to one of the friends and he becomes "afflicted".

I thought the premise sounded quite boring and done before, but I figured I would give it a chance, after all it was a free screener.  I watched the trailer a few days ago, before seeing the movie.  I was intrigued.  I sure am glad that I decided to give this movie a chance.  Over the course of the movie, I jumped a few times and chuckled a little bit at the screamers in the audience.  Using the "classic" Blair Witch styling of filming, the movie was quick paced, thrilling and quite interesting and at no time did I wonder when the movie would be over.

Derek Lee and Clif Prowse, the writers/directors/stars of Afflicted, recently made a big splash at the 2013 Fantastic Fest, walking away with Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Best Director in the horror section of the festival for their film.  Their wins were well deserved.  I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend anyone to see it...even if horror/thrillers are not their usual cup of tea.

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