Three years ago, the amazing Sandra Wikham had an idea. Sandra likely had the idea a lot longer then three years ago, but I found out about it three years ago so that is where I come in. Sandra wanted to create an event where creative people (of all types) could work on their projects in an encouraging environment, with "enforced" quite time and built in breaks to chat with other people. Thus Creative Ink Club was created.
Penguins at Sunset |
It was amazing! Everyone who attend was so encouraging, the "enforced" quite time really made you stop and think for a while and get to work and the mingle time breaks were just the right length. I drew a picture of penguins. I hadn't drawn anything in a long time and it was sure nice to be encouraged to do something creative. Other people who attended worked on screenplays, writing stories, poems, blog posts and there were even a few people just doing homework or knitting/crocheting.
This event was my first exposure to the Creative Ink Festival. I love the fact that the Festival is open to everyone, for writers, readers and artists. I've seen other writing festivals in the past online and always felt that as only a reader that the cost of these festivals was not worth my time or money, nor would I get much out of them. I can honestly say that The Creative Ink Festival is for everyone, writer or not, you will get something out of the festival.
Last year I helped Sandra with a bit a volunteering at the badge pick-up booth. I hadn't purchased tickets to the event, but figured I could help Sandra out where I could. I should have purchased tickets, everyone who picked up their badge was so nice, and very enthusiastic to be there, the energy was just amazing and I loved every moment that I was there. All of the panels looked like they would be very informative, interesting and fun to attend, even for a non-writer like myself. I also had a bunch of friends who attended the entire weekend of the festival, and the stories they came back to me with about how much fun they had made me really disappointed that I didn't just get tickets myself.
This year I'm not making the same mistake as last year. I will be going to The Creative Ink Festival, for only $80 for three days of panels, I really feel that I will be getting my money's worth. As for the my original exposure to Creative Ink (Ink Club), well Sandra has also included an Ink Club event at the Festival. I encourage you to check it out if you can find the time.
As for myself I'm really excited to attend the Hands on Calligraphy with Barbara Gordon panel. Sandra has been told I'm not available to volunteer during that time.
The Creative Ink Festival
2017 Programming: Descriptions of Presentations and Panels
Sandra Wickham